The AGI and The Black Philanthropy Fund (an organization of African Americans in Boston) formally launched The Basics movement in Boston in September of 2016 to help prepare children from all backgrounds and across whole neighborhoods to thrive, starting at birth.
The word spread quickly. By December, teams from 11 cities convened in Boston to learn about The Principles, the tools, and the approach. Rather than wait years for Boston to refine the approach, attendees agreed, “We'll figure it out together.” The Basics Learning Network (BLN) was thereby born. It operates under the leadership of The Basics, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization under the fiscal sponsorship of Third Sector New England (TSNE).
Today, coalitions across dozens of BLN cities, towns, and counties in the US, Brazil, and Australia are engaging their communities, participating in BLN research, and regularly convening to learn, innovate, and share best practices.
Amarillo History
Amarillo is located at the top of the Texas Panhandle with a total population of about 200,000 people. It is the largest city in the Panhandle. Amarillo is known for The Big Texan Steak House, the Cadillac Ranch as well as Palo Duro Canyon, the 2nd largest canyon in the country.
Between 2,000- 3,000 babies are born in Amarillo hospitals each year. The majority racial/ethnic group is Caucasian/White followed by Hispanic at 34% and Black/African American at 7% and about 16% persons living in poverty. Amarillo is also a resettlement site for refugees from all over the world, with one of our local schools having over 32 languages represented.